Thursday, July 31, 2008

Andy Chen's Demo Reel

哈囉各位, 這是我一位剛從 Lost Boys Learning 畢業的朋友 Andy 做的畢業作品. 他現在正在找工作, 請大家用力指教/批評! :)

對了... Hsuan Yi 也畢業了吧? 有空也來跟我們分享妳的作品吧! :)

Monday, July 07, 2008

cgTW Camp 2008 - Call for PHOTOS!

Thank you for taking part in our first ever camping trip.. whether you've met new friends, had a birthday, filled your quota of dumplings consumed for the year, cut yourself with a hatchet, almost cut somebody else open with a hatchet, nailed someone in the water fight, or banged your head into a satellite dish, ..... Hope you all had loads of fun!!

Now if you'd like, please show us your photos taken during the trip by either emailing them to Tony ( or uploading them onto a blog/album, and posting your links here! We'll keep updating this post as we receive more photos.... so please check back often!

Kevin's Picasa

Jason's Facebook album

Lawrence's Flickr

Tracy's Facebook album

Tony Chung's Facebook album

Michael's Facebook album