Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Taiwanese Film Festival

Taiwanese Film Festival
Date: April 6, 2007 at 6:30pm to April 08, 2007 at 11:30pm
Location: UBC Norm Theatre (located in the Student Union Building) 6138 Student Union Blvd.
Tickets: Ticket sales start on March 21, please visit twff website/ for more details.
Contact: 604.219.5025 Patty Huang (email: pattyhuang(at)

等等主義研究社(UBC Literature Etc. Club, UBCLE)策辦的台灣電影節(Taiwanese Film Festival, TWFF)最先是被資深影展策展人王耿瑜小姐所激發出的一個構想,當時她受邀主持2004年的電影月講座,暢談電影與影展的魅力;不論是畫面上、音樂上、 還是感情上的不同詮釋,每個影展所選擇的影片組合都能呈現給觀眾一個不同的多元感受。2006年9月,導演鄭有傑在《一年之初》的觀後講座談起他期望經由 電影激勵人心的理想,並重新燃起UBCLE策劃影展的熱情。身為一個以結合生活與文藝為目標的學生社團,UBCLE希望創辦推廣電影藝術的非營利活動,讓 更多的學生觀眾也能對電影產生當初UBCLE所經歷的共鳴和感動。

The Taiwanese Film Festival (TWFF) was first inspired through Ms. Angelika Wang, who introduced the essence of films and film festivals at UBCLE's film seminar at during the 2004 Vancouver International Film Festival. An organizer of numerous film festivals herself, Angelika believed that there was something magical about films; the visual, musical, perceptual, and emotional components of films selected to create a film festival can be extremely inspirational. In September 2006, Mr. Yu-Chieh Cheng, director of the film "Do Over", spoke of his personal experiences at UBCLE's film seminar, describing his passion and determination to inspire lives through film. As a non-profit student club dedicated to promoting arts and literature, UBCLE executives desired to impact the student audience with a series of films that they would be able to relate to, feel inspired by, and learn from.

溫 哥華曾舉辦無數成功的影展,卻從來沒有一個著重於台灣電影的影展。我們希望能經由TWFF讓溫哥華的華裔與非華裔觀眾群都能更加認識台灣文化和台灣近年電 影的嶄新生命力。因此UBCLE隆重推出第一屆台灣電影節,誠摯邀請您蒞臨UBC Norm Theatre參與欣賞。TWFF此次的影展主題為「21世紀新銳導演.開麥拉環島全紀行」,於4月6至8日期間總共播放6部得獎影片,期望透過近年來嶄 露頭角的新銳導演,深入台灣各城鎮:從《一年之初》的拍攝地點台北,一路遨遊到《無米樂》的台南米鄉,以多元的觀點展現出台灣不同的風貌。

Vancouver has had many successful film festivals, but never one exclusively on Taiwan. With a large proportion of BC's residents being ethnically Chinese, Taiwan's culture is one that many would identify with. We sincerely hope that the both Taiwanese and non-Taiwanese student audiences in the Western world will gain a better understanding of the Taiwanese culture through a Taiwanese film festival. On this note, UBCLE cordially invites you to the TWFF, held at UBC's Norm Theatre, featuring six award-winning films and documentaries from emerging directors of the 21st century that have revolutionized Taiwan's film industry. Each story is set at a distinct location, be it a large city like Taipei or a rural farm in Tainan, accenting Taiwan’s inherent culture and beauty; together, the films form a rich and diverse cultural exploration representative of the whole of Taiwan.

經 過數月的漫長會議和策劃,並藉由UBCLE幹部們、范琪偉小姐、台北經濟文化辦事處、和UBC電影協會不斷給予的支持,TWFF終於不再只是一個純粹的構 想,而是一個呈現在溫哥華觀眾眼前的真實影展。我們的宗旨在於創造藝術文化交流的空間-TWFF是一個出發點,為了啟發未來更多的影展與各種美好的可能 性。

TWFF has finally become a reality after months of grueling work, endless meeting hours, unwavering dedication from UBCLE's executives and assistants, and generous support from Rachel Fan, the Taipei Cultural and Economic Office, and the UBC Film Society. TWFF is the pilot project of many more film festivals to come. The ultimate goal is to inspire artistic and cultural interactions between the films and the audience, and UBCLE is ready to make that happen.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

AnthemFX 再找CG人~

今天主管開會給我們放話說他要找人,找CG artist,會Camera projection or Modeling or tracking or會說中文為先(因為都沒有人可以跟我說中文在公司,寂寞有誰知?)

現在在做 "Tin man" project , 基本上我已經呆了1年多我是覺得還可以,只是有一點比較差就是"沒有網路">_< ,就跟以前在VFS依樣,只有一台可以上網(乾ˋ)。

110 Cambie Street Suite 200 Vancouver British Columbia, Canada V6B 2M8

Everybody's 好書推薦

學一項技能, 也得先得知資訊來源, 哪裡可以提供最快的捷徑, 最明確的方向, 最清楚的指導, 才可以下功夫開始學習. 不然損失的不止是時間與精力, 甚至錯誤的資訊還會導致將來更多的力量來修改. 所以能夠得到有一個正確指引是件珍貴的事阿! 在這邊請各位有讀過哪本好書, 看過哪片好 DVD 教材, 不管是關於 3D 動畫的哪一方面.. 美術, 技術, 都請大家來分享一下~ 相信大家都能從中得益!

請寫出教的 category 以及書名, 幾句短短的介紹也有幫助. 大家列出來的教材將會被列在下面並附個圖案及 link.

Simplified Drawing for Planning Animation
by Wayne Gilbert

The Animator's Survival Kit

by Richard Williams

The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation
Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston

Maya Scripting: (new!)
Complete Maya Programming: An Extensive Guide to MEL and C++ API
by David Gould

The MEL Companion: Maya Scripting for 3D Artists
by David Stripinis

Story: Substance, Structure, Style, and the Principles of Screenwriting
by Robert McKee

updated: 4/1/07



一起在做吧, 如果沒有什麼進度拖到的話應該是會在

Monday, March 19, 2007


Saturday, March 17, 2007



Tuesday, March 13, 2007

d'artiste: Character Modeling 2

d'artiste: Character Modeling 2

d'artiste: Character Modeling 2 presents the techniques of leading character modelers Kevin Lanning, Zack Petroc, and Timur "Taron" Baysal. Each master artist showcases his approaches and techniques in modeling characters and creatures for film and game projects through expansive graphic tutorials. Kevin Lanning of Epic Games takes you behind the scenes of creating characters for the triple-platinum Xbox 360 game 'Gears of War' with tutorials on workflows for creating high-polygon and low-polygon characters. An invited artist gallery provides the opportunity for the master artists to single out inspirational artists and comment on the character work of the greater cg community.

Shipping May 2007

Limited Edition $145.00 (USD)
Slip Cased $55.00 (USD)

The more people we can get to buy at once, the more discount we can get, once we reached 10+ copies, we will able to get a 25% discount. And for those we also want to buy other publishings from Ballistic Publishing, this would be a good time to buy aswell.

Book Previewer:

Monday, March 12, 2007

300 - Interviews

Interview on XsiBase with Hybride studio (near Montreal)

Interview with yU+co on the title sequence:

性感的 Oracle the effects by Screaming Death Monkey:

Screaming Death Monkey 的創辦人 Jeremy Hunt 並不是個陌生的名字, 大家可能對他成名的作品 "405" 有印象, 六年過了, 這片還是那麼屌! 跟大家在此回味一下:

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Nissan Transformers - Making Of

Monday, March 05, 2007

300 壯士

好久沒有一起看電影了, 這禮拜五 (3/09) 的 300 有誰要看!? Downtown Paramount 7:30*, 留個名好幫忙佔位子吧! 不認識的新朋友只要是 3D 人都歡迎!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Animation Tutors_GRP

3D Animation Tutor

各位 cgTW 熱血 3D人, 如今畢業的畢業, 找工作的找工作, 在工作的在工作, 沒在工作的也沒在工作, 各位是否覺得平常生活上除了 3D 還少了什麼? 請別回答女人或金錢, 沒錯, 那就是更多 3D.. 正在籌劃組成教師聯盟的我們, 歡迎各位有興趣, 有工作經驗的人來報名參加. 我們的宗旨是以最好的態度提供最完善的教學, meanwhile 提供各位一個教學經驗. 系統大綱則是, Animation Tutors_GRP 負責廣告推銷以招生, 接到有意者後再選擇最適合的老師與學生一對一教學. 其中學費大部份由該教師擁有, 而小部份回到團體以貼補廣告費用.

或致電 Tony Chen 778-888-6399

教師限大溫地區以內, 但仍然歡迎外地有意者加入網上指導. 譬如在蘇州享福的那位.

中英文文書/翻譯 Help Needed

為了即將成立的電腦動畫教學課程而設立網站中. 現需一名流利中英文的翻譯人才. 需能夠將短篇文章以專業, 系統方式呈現. 工作性質屬兼職實習, 合作後有機會成為本團體的全職文書. 有創意力, 合作度高, 熟悉操作 Office 各軟體為佳.

或致電 Tony Chen 778-888-6399