Wednesday, September 26, 2007

這是什麼鬼 Which ghost is this?

Sequoia View, 以圖案方式作資料管理... 免費的喔!

以上顏色鮮艷組成的框框是啥米? 是美術部門請到幼稚園小孩來設計的繪圖軟體嗎? 錯~~ 是另個只有腦袋有根筋不對才看得懂的 IQ 測驗嗎? 又錯~~ 喔喔.... 是在測色盲的嗎? 都錯~~~

答案是... 噹噹噹~ "Sequoia View", 一個以圖案來顯示你電腦裡資料大小跟位置的軟體, or in English... an asset allocation software!

怎麼說呢, 首先軟體把普遍的檔案類型規類於各種不同顏色, 再以框框大小代表各個檔案的大小.. 在圖案上 Double click 就可進入該檔案的 folder 裡... 所以讓使用者能夠在最短的時間內看出佔位最大的檔案在哪, 是什麼 type... 當然也可立刻 access the files.. 對公司的 IT 也好, 還是個人使用都是省時省力的好工具喔!

最棒的是這是個又小又輕, 還是個免費的軟體, 便宜又大碗.... Try it and let me know whatcha think!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

溫哥華動畫公司... google map

方便交通? 還是風景漂亮?

此 link 利用 google map 列出溫哥華主要的動畫公司位置...


...為什麼 Surrey 一家都沒有.... = =


CG Society Interview

"My name is Alon (阿龍) Chou, I am from Taiwan. I graduated from National Taiwan University of Arts, I worked in a game studio, mainly working on low-poly 3D modeling. Since I was still very attached to 2D illustration, I decided to leave the job and focus on drawing as a 2D artist. I am now working as a freelancer, and I do illustrations, character designs and scenery designs for games and animation films."

Saturday, September 08, 2007

ASB Power Force Trailer

這是我暑假時做過的一個卡通的trailer, 有沒有被pick up 還不知道, 但是我至少認為跟其他一些tv show 比起來還算不錯啦~anyway 跟大家分享一下

Transformers Concepts


Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Content Aware Image Resizing

This is interesting...