Animation Arena 專訪Victor Navone
1. 繼續充實基礎的藝術訓練
3.要踴躍的幫忙家務事,洗碗洗衣割草澆花 ...(How was the concept of Big Bang conceived? I thought of it while watering the lawn. )
PS. 關於Victor Navonek的新短片big bang的補充:
"Hermonir: Pixar animator Victor Navone (creator of "Alien Song") is working on a new short called "Big Bang". I wish my finished films looked half as good as his animatic...
Aorrelle: Victor is my office mate. He´s been working on the animatic for six months already and has special permission from Pixar to make it independently.Don´t hold your breath, though. It will probably take him two years to make."