Mech Armor
Hi all cgtw ppl, this is one of the characters for my demo reel, a character from RedEyes, a japanese manga.
refence pic:
Comments and crits are welcome, thx.
Link to CGTalk post:
能不能render大一點的圖跟好點的antialias setting 的 當然也要多一點views
靜態的 model 是都沒問題,要 rig 之後才知道,不過你如果只要render still,還是得加上 texture才夠有說服力,不然沒有職場競爭力。 還有鏡頭角度,這種應該仰角鏡頭比較雄偉,類似可以增強情境的狀態,都要考慮一下。雖然我知道你還在做,不過,參考一下吧!
Texture 建議拿這作品來參考:
我在 CGsociety剛好也看到一個game cinematics ,剛好可以參考
大衛歡迎呀! 很高興能看到大家不介意把作品 po 上來, 咱們互相交換感想, 一起進步唄.
不過這張太小了 critique 不了囉.
s.t.: Camera angle change, great idea, I'll definally play around and see what best bring out the character. For rigging part, i did rig the character, but i dont really think its a animation friendly rig, too many parts collide into one another.
tony: thx for the texture link, ya, thats the kind of look im going for, maybe not that much weardown on the armor.
tony: here is a bigger picture, but i couldn't get the same lighting back.....
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