Monday, April 14, 2008

畢業生的疑惑Need some help~

Hello大家好我是Andrew, post RelationShrimp就是小弟,我月底馬上就要畢業了,想當然爾就要面臨找工作的問題,我是Sheridan college BBA animation 主修 triditional animation. 在這四年中我很平均的發展,所以現在覺得有點難準備portfoli因為好像什麼都可以做,但是又好想什麼都不精.這是我的portfolio

當下是想做有關3D/gaming的job 但是我的強項是在手繪,這四年期間學校也有教Maya,而我在去年實習的時候也有用3D max建模所以我對這些軟體並不太陌生. 我想請問前輩們是否能在看完我的作品後夠給一些建議? 如果我想往gaming 或是 3D cartoon 得 animation 方面去發展,demo reel要如何準備比較好?謝謝大家



At 4/15/2008 1:07 AM, Blogger dc said...

Hi Andrew, Congrad on completing ur 2d short film, RelationShrimp,蝦米關係. Its looking good.

As for ur questions, since u want to go into 3d animation industry, and especially into Games or cartoons, i will say first of all, figure out which company you want to get into, find out what game they are working on at the moment, then make the style of ur reel as close to the company's current project as possible.

Also you will need a 3d animation reel, and a good place to find a good reference for a good layout will be from .

As for the animation reel details, i will say its best to ask people like animators like Tony and Joey, im sure they are welling to help out.

At 4/18/2008 9:53 PM, Blogger Lawrence said...

嗯嗯,我在去年九月還是十月時有在這貼一篇簡單的「Demo Reel 需知」,裡面有講到幾個重點,可以去找一下舊的post看看。

我必需講的很直:你現在的 demo 拿去找 3D/gaming 公司是一定找不到工作的。David 是講的委婉一點,不過他繞了一圈,還是在講同樣的東西:你的作品和你要找的職位,是兩個不同的領域。(就像你是冠軍機車手,跑去應徵 F1 駕駛一樣,人家不知道你來幹麻)

你做的 3D 場景部份,以 blog 上的幾張 render 來看,也沒有顯示出你的強項。env modeler 需要做些什麼我在「Demo Reel 需知」裡都有寫,可以參考一下。

確認你要找什麼職位,然後針對那個位置的需求去做一個 demo reel ,這才是最重要的。

At 4/18/2008 11:59 PM, Blogger S.T. said...

HI ,I checked your personal blog, the following is my feedback:

1. Need a proper Web site to show case art work, first impression is fairly important. Search for web hosting service and find a free-ware ( flash base or simple htm format) to load on your art work.

2. Re-work! Please spend 6 more months to have your demo reel make over. If you want to work in game industry, you may need high-res model ( 1 organic, 1 hard-surface ), one set of game model ( 3 level of detail, sharing same textures which are diffuse/specular/normal is a must). set modeling is a option unless you would like to focus on level design. Yes, Lawrence is right, please locate the article written by him and read every single line carefully. Believe or not the demo reels I've been watching are all quit amazing. There are tons of super talented artist out there, everywhere. Most of labor intense work has been outsourced ( including character, vehicles, props of course). However you have to work your ass damn hard to get a job.

3. Have faith, never gave up.

Any question, feel free to ask these senior artist in cgTW. Good luck!

At 4/20/2008 8:30 PM, Blogger Andrew Yu said...

非常感謝前輩們的回應說明,我想我現階段會開始準備3d animation的demoreel,做一些character animations.有一點我想請問的是,由於我的portfolio裡的東西都是2d的,畢業展的時候如果被offer 2d positions,該不開接下呢?還是花一段時間專心準備3D的reel?謝謝~(經濟上的話因該是還可以支持一段時間不會有問題)

At 4/21/2008 4:41 PM, Blogger t0ny said...

Hello Andrew, 如果你是要走 animator 這一路的話, 接到 2D 工作的話就去做吧! 因為進入3D 後可能會介入些軟體技術上的問題讓你分心而不是專心在動畫的進步.

At 4/21/2008 9:53 PM, Blogger Andrew Yu said...

真的嗎???因為我很怕到時候就變成去做Flash animation...而且很怕會一輩子就做2D,,我很想做3d的animator for cartoon shows or games. 其實我對modeling 也蠻有興趣的,只是覺得作modeling的人非常多,做的好的更是屬不清...會選擇想走animatoin 是因為從作自己的film中發現自己對這方面的興趣,但是有點晚了 -_-a 如果早一年發現就可以比較早開始準備這方面的portfolio.而且當初想來加拿大就是打算往3d的方向走的,只是因為學校比較偏重手繪所以...


At 4/25/2008 1:00 PM, Blogger t0ny said...

卡在 Flash 動畫的話那確實會蠻慘, 可是相對的你的片子裡也要能夠 illustrate 那不是你想走的路. 有的動作你有偷懶~ 譬如說手指彈掉龍蝦上的毛, 就真的只有手指在動, 而沒其他有所連繫的表情與動作. 這樣子的 style 就很像 flash 所走的囉... 能的話盡量避免.

應該是片子比較長的關係, 感覺上你的 frame 數量不大夠使得動作比較一卡一卡的. 這個很重要因為就算你有那實力, 公司也不大能確定因為並沒有表現出動畫應有的 Arc 美感.

好的地方是表演方面你做的很好, 很易懂角色的心裡在想什麼. Timing 也沒有太大問題, 只是有時可以更放膽一點..

憑感覺上你走 3D 是絕對沒問題的, 許多在工作的3D動畫師都沒你的表達能力好. 只要記住~ 不管是 2D, 還是 3D, 你走的都是"動畫師"這路. 所以踏入哪裡不重要, 只要專心在擔當"動畫師"這角色, 都是會朝正確方向進步的.

At 4/28/2008 8:16 PM, Blogger Andrew Yu said...

Tony 謝謝你的指點,我會花時先好好的準備3d的demoreel,我最近接到一個北京的職訓班的邀請去當助教,我想我可能會接受這個offer然後邊教邊build up portfolio and demo reel,非常謝謝你們大家的指點,當我完成reel的時候會放上來請大家指教,謝謝!

At 4/29/2008 2:18 PM, Blogger t0ny said...

要去教書了嗎? 加油喔, 繼續進步囉!

At 5/06/2008 10:01 AM, Blogger S.T. said...


At 5/07/2008 10:23 PM, Blogger ml said...

Hi Andrew, I'm on the look out for experienced game developers -artists, designers, programmers for our German-owned Singapore-based studio client. If this is of interest, do drop me a note at so I can send further info. Many thanks!

At 7/06/2008 9:08 PM, Blogger Kyuuichi said...

Hi Andrew, I'd like to say congratulations on completing your 2d short film, too. We all went through animation school. And we probably all had the experience of working overnights to try to get the best out of our grad films.

I'm probably one of the few people in cgTW who's done 3d animation, 2d animation, and then back to 3d animation. The software that I used when I was doing 2d animation was Harmony. It's similar to Flash but much more versatile in the animation aspect. We still draw, just not as much, and the medium is of course different (wacom vs paper). The way 2d animation presents itself nowadays is mimicking traditional animation on computer. The users will provide a set of libraries with pre-drawn images and the computer will provide the in-betweens. Nevertheless, the concept is the same. And I have to say that there are things you can learn from 2d animation where you'll find harder to learn in 3d animation, and vice versa. (i.e. composition, perspective, keeping characters on model, timing (yes, surprisingly, timing, especially the snappy stuff)). Having gone through both 2d and 3d fields I find that they've sharped my animation skills immensely. It's a rather interesting experience.

If you have interest in 2d animation, don't be afraid to step into it. If you have a good 3d animation reel, you shouldn't have to worry about getting stuck as a Flash animator. Or you can do what I did and do 3d animation first. Not to sound like a robot, but the concept is always the same in animation, the only difference is the execution. However, what you do have to understand is that computer animation, 2d or 3d, is a lot more technical than traditional animation. Like Tony said, be prepared to encounter lots of technical difficulties as you work. Frustrations will come along, but that's what helps you grow, too!

So most importantly, a good reel. Secondly, have faith and have passion. Thirdly, in my opinion, have a good attitude. You can be a great artist, but if you have a shitty attitude, no one will want to work with you. If you have a good attitude, companies will want to call you up every time they need artists. Acknowledging the fact that animation is almost never a full-time job, attitude is important to get you work in the long run.

Good luck and have fun as an animator! It's hard and tiring at times, but it's rewarding in its own way. Remember, you're breathing soul into models, and there's nothing more satisfying than giving life. :)


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