Tuesday, June 06, 2006

BBC 新聞 mixup,超經典facial reference


"LONDON The BBC is apologizing to viewers after a studio mix-up resulted in a cab driver appearing on live TV as an expert on Internet music downloads.

The case of mistaken identity happened last Monday following the verdict in the Apple-versus-Apple case on music downloads.

Staff members who went looking for the internet expert pulled the wrong man into the studio -- a cab driver who was there for another reason. He clearly realizes the mistake as the interview starts, but doesn't say anything about it.

When the reporter asks if he's surprised by the verdict, he admits being "very surprised" adding "When I came, they told me something else."

He eventually grows more confident and goes on to deliver his opinion on the future of music downloads.

Meanwhile, the real computer expert watched the scene on a studio monitor from the reception area. He says he was initially amused, but grew concerned the mix up could hurt his reputation."



At 6/07/2006 7:27 AM, Blogger S.T. said...

這麼大的電視台忙中有錯啊,好好笑,不過那表情真的很讚... 哈哈哈

At 6/07/2006 10:10 AM, Blogger t0ny said...

倫敦真先進, 連計程車司機都有兩把刷子~!

At 6/07/2006 10:17 AM, Blogger t0ny said...

讓我想起在公司附近買咖啡的路上被一個流浪漢討錢, 不成功後來問我們是做什麼的...

"你們是電腦動畫師? 喔~~~~~~~
你們用什麼, Maya?"

"我當然知道阿, 我家裡有一本 Maya 書呢, 要不要買?"

=______________= True story.

At 6/07/2006 10:40 AM, Blogger S.T. said...

真是會做生意,問一下那個流浪漢是不是VFS畢業的 ...

At 6/07/2006 6:57 PM, Blogger Thomas Huang said...



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